These projects should demonstrate to Congress that the opportunity to make America safe and convenient for pedestrians, bicyclists and wheelchair users is real and ready to go. Whenever possible, provide copies or links to plans.
Review these case studies that RTC has developed with partners, and use the format as a template to draft your own case study that we can use to convince decision-makers to prioritize active transportation investment as part of an economic stimulus package.
Things to keep in mind:
Think big. You need not limit yourself to individual projects. What are your overall objectives for your region?
Focus on the parts of your overall plan to connect your region that are reasonably ready to get built. How many miles? What will they cost?
Please summarize what your project(s) will accomplish, such as mobility, health, environmental and economic benefits. Jobs are usually the top focus in a stimulus debate. If you don’t have job creation data, we have a simple formula for you to use.*
*Estimated at 17 jobs per $1 million spent, according to a study commissioned by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) on American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) job creation; jobs in terms of full-time equivalents.
1) Please provide your contact information:
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)
11) Total amount pledged to date (broken down below as applicable):
12) Project benefits. Please consider the operation and performance of the transportation network (including safety, potential mode shift, active transportation connections and value to other travel modes), the regional and national economy, as well as any environmental or equity issues this project will help to address.