RTC | Protect Trails, Walking and Biking | Act Now

Hi Trails Supporter—

I’ve got some great news: The harmful amendments filed by Reps. Buddy Carter (GA-01) and Ted Yoho (FL-03) have been defeated!

We simply couldn’t have done this without you, our partners and the thousands of trail supporters who wrote to or called their representatives.

But we’re not done yet and we need your voice once more: An amendment will come to the floor by trail champion Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) that will help get more trail and active transportation projects off the ground.

Take Action Now! Write your representative today and ask them to support Rep. Larsen's amendment.

Instead of being caught up in red tape, his amendment (#36), would streamline and simplify the process of accessing innovative financing for smaller projects—like building trails and other places to safely walk and bike. This simple step—at no additional cost—will help link existing trails and build out complete networks.

Write your representative today! Tell them to support Rep. Larsen's amendment to help get more trail projects off the ground.

Act Now

We’ve had terrific success protecting trails in the past few days—and it’s thanks to trail partners and trail supporters like you.

Take action today and help us take a positive step for the future of trails. Don’t delay—a vote could happen in the next few hours.

Thanks for your support.


Patrick Wojahn Signature

Patrick WojahnPatrick Wojahn
Director of Government Relations
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy


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